Improves Water Quality for Optimum Production The probiotic capabilities of AQ VIGOR rank it among the best defenses against nitrogenous waste while greatly improving water quality for optimal production in aquaculture environments. This formula is a powerful synthesis of natural enzymes and beneficial micro-organisms, which work together to decompose sludge and dissolve organic solids in pond water.

AQ PROBIO is one of nature’s most powerful secret weapons in preventing and fighting disease. It was developed to work in-tandem with AQ VIGOR to build a healthy microbial population (bacteria) within the intestines of aqua-crops. In short, it delivers powerful probiotic benefits for tank cultivated shrimp in addition to increasing.

AQ CLEAR is a powerful yet non-toxic bacterial and enzyme treatment with the exceptional ability to purify lakes and ponds by improving their water quality. This exclusive, bio-formulation adds is packed with trillions of bacteria, beneficial microbes & enzymes that safely extinguish slime while digesting the excess phosphorus, ammonia, nutrients and nitrates that combine with decaying matter to create an odorous, decaying bottom-sludge.

AQ ALGAE is a concentration of highly nutritional marine micro-algae used in aquaculture. It has many advantages over “live” algae products such as long shelf lives and none of the costs involved with growing and maintaining a living colony. This is an excellent feed for larval shrimp due to its omega-3 fatty acids (Thalassiorsira pseudonana), amino acids (Tetraselmis), and premium feed-related volume/mass benefits of Thalassiosira weissflogii. We also offer specialty microalgae blends for enrichment feeds which contains protein, lipids, DHA, EPA, ARA HUFAs, Polar lipids, Sterols, Free fatty acids and triglycerides.